Geoscience and Data

This page includes a geoscience report describing the geology and exploration potential of the Call for Bids NS22-1 parcels and well, seismic and GIS information.

  • Call for Bids NS22-1 includes five deep-water parcels on the central Scotian Slope and three shallow-water parcels in the Sable Island area of the Scotian Shelf.  
  • The Scotian Shelf parcels are directly adjacent to 18 significant oil and gas discoveries. Between 1992 – 2018 there were three oil and gas production projects in this area of the Scotian Shelf.  
  • The shelf parcels have good to excellent natural gas potential and moderate oil potential and the deep-water parcels have good to excellent natural gas potential.
  • Wide-azimuth seismic data was acquired over a significant portion of parcels 1, 2 and 3 which cover the western edge of thick Jurassic to Cretaceous deposits downdip from the Sable Delta.
  • Turtle structures, subsalt traps, three-way closures against salt and other salt-related traps are abundant throughout the deep-water parcels. The most common play types within the shelf parcels are rollover anticlines, subtle drapes over basement highs, stratigraphic traps and salt-related traps.

Geology of the central Scotian Shelf and Slope – Call for Bids NS22-1 (Geoscience Report)